As our community is gradually returning from the summer break, we’d like to take stock of the growing number of options you have to access news and stories from the team behind the EU4Digital Facility.

Join the conversation on Twitter

A brand-new Twitter account (getting used to 'X' would take some time) was successfully piloted over the summer. It offers a visual selection of news, stories and data insights from the vast pool of EU4Digital content. While we are grateful for retweets, we are thrilled to have more interactive and direct contact with you! Don’t hesitate to quote, reply, or even send a direct message. We will be tweeting live from key events, such as the annual Digital Conference for the Eastern Partnership and the EU4Digital Steering Committee meeting in November.

Browse through the revamped website

We are continuing optimising our web space, which is trusted by thousands of digitalisation experts in Brussels and in the Eastern Partnership region. We carefully curate a selection of news, event announcements, stories and publications - viewing local issues through a regional lens. Find it all in one place by exploring the site.

Access announcements, right in your inbox

Our quarterly newsletter will resume shortly, bringing a reliable selection of what’s new and relevant in digitalisation in the Eastern partner countries. Together with you, more than 3,000 readers receive this digest in English. If you think someone else in your network would also benefit from receiving EU4Digital updates, please forward this email to them.
© European Union

This publication was funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the EU4Digital Facility implemented by an EY-led consortium and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.